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Could My Child Have Sleep Apnea? Hot Topics. "Caleb was two when we first noticed his loud snoring," said Scott, An obstructive sleep apnea screening quiz to see if your kids have symptoms of OSA, such as loud snoring, headaches, Those extra pounds also put children at risk for sleep apnea, a serious, debilitating and potentially life-threatening sleep Kids and Sleep Apnea. Sept. 6, 2007. Share. Comments. Print. Font Sizes. As much as 4 percent of all U.S. children If you are looking for information on Sleep Apea for Children then this is new Children and Sleep Apnea site is for you! In addition, in contrast to adults, some children exhibit a variation of obstructive sleep apnea termed The Infant & Children Sleep Apnea Awareness Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non -profit organization, dedicated to
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